v2.5 notes ========== This script should not be used anymore in "normal" conditions in favour of GBAK options -FIX_FSS_DATA and -FIX_FSS_METADATA. It serves as a reference to fix malformed data stored in inconsistent way, for example after restore with -FIX_FSS_DATA NONE. GBAK (restore) options: -FIX_FSS_DATA : This option works for user (i.e., non-system) tables. If is NONE, UNICODE_FSS columns ([VAR]CHAR and BLOB) are created using NONE charset. If is not NONE, UNICODE_FSS columns are created normally but data read from backup is considered to be in encoding instead of UNICODE_FSS, and is transliterated to be stored on the columns. -FIX_FSS_METADATA : This option is to fix wrong stored metadata, as replacement for the metadata script. Metadata read from backup is considered to be in encoding instead of UNICODE_FSS, and is transliterated to be stored on the restored database. NONE charset has no effect for this option. --------------------------------------- Firebird versions prior 2.1 has two problems related to character sets and metadata extraction: - 1. When creating/altering objects, they never transliterate metadata texts (procedures/triggers sources, descriptions, constraints/defaults texts, etc) from the client character set to the system (UNICODE_FSS) character set. They put raw bytes inside UNICODE_FSS columns. - 2. When reading text BLOBs, they don't transliterate from the BLOB character set to the client character set. Note that even in version 2.1, the item 1 may occur if you create/alter objects connected with NONE or UNICODE_FSS character set using non-UNICODE_FSS data. If you created metadata with non-ASCII letters, you need to repair your database to correctly read metadata after upgrading to 2.1. For the following steps, the database should already be in ODS11.1. Before doing anything, make a copy of the database. You should better connect each time to the database to do each step. Creating the procedures in the database --------------------------------------- - 1. isql database.fdb - 2. SQL> input 'misc/upgrade/metadata/metadata_charset_create.sql'; Checking your database ---------------------- - 1. isql database.fdb - 2. SQL> select * from rdb$check_metadata; The rdb$check_metadata procedure will return all objects that are touched by it. If it doesn't raise an exception, it seems your metadata is ok and you can go to the "Removing the upgrade procedures" section. Otherwise, the first bad object is the last one listed before the exception. To fix the metadata, you need to know in what character set the objects was created. The upgrade script will work correctly only if all your metadata was created using the same character set. Fixing the metadata ------------------- - 1. isql database.fdb - 2. SQL> input 'misc/upgrade/metadata/metadata_charset_create.sql'; - 3. SQL> select * from rdb$fix_metadata('WIN1252'); -- replace WIN1252 by your charset - 4. SQL> commit; The rdb$fix_metadata procedure will return the same data as rdb$check_metadata, but will change the metadata texts. It should be run only once! After this, you can remove the upgrade procedures. Removing the upgrade procedures ------------------------------- - 1. isql database.fdb - 2. SQL> input 'misc/upgrade/metadata/metadata_charset_drop.sql';